Access Biologicals Panels

Access Biologicals is offering various types of panels for assay development, validation and qualification.

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COVID-19 Positive and COVID-19 Negative Panels

Access Biologicals is actively collecting serum and plasma from patients that have been diagnosed with COVID-19.  

  • Our COVID-19 Serum (Panel D) contains 1mL of serum from 30 unique donors. This panel includes both an ELISA IgG and IgM POS or NEG result as well as IgG and IgM units and concentration information. Date symptoms subsided is also included. This panel is collected under an IRB protocol.
  • Our Covid-19 Matched set panel contains 1mL of serum and 1mL of K2 EDTA from 20 unique donors. This panel contains a Covid IgG result as well as the date symptoms subsided. This panel is collected under an IRB protocol.
  • Our Covid-19 Serum (Panel F) contains 1mL of serum from 20 unique donors. This panel includes IgG results from the Diasorin Liason and results from the Siemens Centaur. This panel is collected under an IRB protocol.
  • Our Normal, Healthy Serum (Panel E)  contains 87 members, 2mL per member of OTC serum collected pre-pandemic era (bleed dates are from March 2017-Nov 2018). Age, gender, bleed date and blood type are provided.

  Bulk Covid positive and negative available

  • Convalescent bulk plasma units of 690-880 mL per donor are available using the same criteria as above.
  • Pooled defib/delip material available, negative via NAT for COVID-19.
  •  All panels, bulk units and processed pools are shipped frozen, on dry ice.


Custom panels available – we can build a panel to meet your needs. Options are (not limited to): sodium citrate plasma, serum, K2 EDTA as well as plasma seroconverters.  Contact us about your needs and we can customize a panel for you.

If you have specific needs please contact us at: or click here:

Sample Inclusion Criteria for COVID-19 Positive Panels:

  • Any age
  • Any gender
  • Age ≥18 and ≤90 years
  • Confirmed infection with COVID-19 determined by a Positive Swab result or an MD diagnosis

Donor Data Provided:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Date of draw
  • Date of onset of symptoms
  • Date of positive swab or MD Diagnosis

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